"The Internet Giveaway"
Obama administration announced its plan to give up U.S protection of the internet. It also promised the United Nations it would never take control. But because of the administration’s naivete or arrogance, U.N. control is the likely result if the U.S. gives up internet stewardship as planned at midnight on Sept. 30. Americans for Limited Government received a response to its Freedom of Information Act request for all records relating to legal and policy analysis concerning antitrust issues for the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers if the U.S. gives up oversight. The administration admits it has no plan for how Icann retains its antitrust exemption. The reason Icann can operate the entire World Wide Web root zone is that it has the status of a legal monopolist, stemming from its contract with the Commerce Department that makes Icann an instrumentality of government.Without the U.S. contract, Icann would seek to be overseen by another governmental group so as to keep its antitrust exemption. Authoritarian regimes have already proposed Icann become part of the U.N. to make it easier for them to censor the internet globally. So much for the Obama pledge that the U.S. would never be replaced by a government-led or an inter-governmental organization solution.

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